On Screen Marking
On Screen Marking
Ruach Global – your solution to e-Assessment
Are you a provider of education? Do your students take exams? Then discover the next best thing for examinations

Marking examinations with a pen on paper has changed. OSM is what schools, colleges, universities and examination bodies now choose. It is accurate, simple, secure and efficient.
Innovation in scanner technology captures your paper answer scripts and sends them electronically to your selected examiners to be marked on screen. On screen marking (OSM) adds up the examiners marks and provides the total exam scores automatically.Your examiner can write comments and annotations during their marking. OSM speeds up the marking and results publication process with no margin for error.
Benefits of our Product – On Screen Marking(OSM)
- Security:
- Minimum exams scripts transits.
- Eliminates risk of lost and damaged exam scripts.
- All scripts are centrally scanned securely and stored on a database.
- Quality and Efficiency:
- Total eradication of administrative errors such as incorrect awarding of marks, common mistakes in marks totals and unchecked questions.
- The OSM Real Time Monitoring technology of marker performance would freeze an examiner out who is not marking according to the marking scheme and allows for immediate interventions by the senior examiners.
- Cost Savings:
- Eliminates transport, time and human resources cost, sending paper scripts to different evaluation centres and back to head office for further processing.
- Malpractice Elimination:
- OSM masks candidate details during marking creating anonymity from examiners, an important malpractice feature of the OSM
- Transparency:
- OSM allows examination candidates to request a copy of their answer sheets for re-evaluation or rechecking, retrievals are in our protocols.
- Faster Turnaround Times:
- Reduced interchanges of answer scripts, elimination of clerical errors, lower logistics cost, real time monitoring and transparency increase the overall productivity in marking leading to faster turnaround times of exams results publication.